football and fish a good combination,
so i have to move out my flat, i knew that already,
had an amazing chat with a Church of Scotland minister today, i think he can understand me better than most people in my own generation in some ways.
Nearly went canoeing today, its postponed for a week. Canoeing matters to me. It used to comprise the one of the best parts of my life for several years. there's good surf and whitewater in Scotland but its COLD.
I have to write some stuff that might get quoted in the preach at the official Edinburgh uni Carol service next month.. its on hope.. i might try it out on here.
(this is long, for a continuation of the subjective selective narrative of my life in nearly present tense please skip to next post)
Chapter 1
I have hope because:
unexpected good things happen more often than they should. Something unimaginably good, could quite easily come out of nowhere at any point. It happens.
One way I try and understand the world is to look for the flows that go through it. We can choose which flows we go with or fight against, they can go in all kinds of directions. I have found that choosing to trust God with my life is like choosing to jump into one of the fastest flowing and unpredictable streams. It takes conscious choices to try and stay in the middle of the flow but it takes me to really good places I could never work out how to get to on my own. It flows through some difficult places but as long as it keeps flowing through then that can be ok. And it seems to have the kind of momentum and purpose about it, that it's flowing somewhere beyond the horizons of all the possible scenarios I can imagine. From my experience of where I've been carried by it before I have a deep feeling that this might be a really good thing. I feel in some sense of the word: safe. I have hope.
Chapter 2
Early morning in the raven flat.
"Mornin, how r u tdy?"
"Fine, its the rest of the world that's fucked up."
6billion people in a fucked up world..
If you look at sytems and structures and overarching powers, governments, multinational corporations, the WTO+IMF, capitalism, communism, religion, the education system, the health service, there are problems.. I'm not gonna talk about them here.
If you look at the way people relate to eachother, war, hate, fear, jealousy, families fall-out, friends lose trust, there are more problems, its not all bad but it is messed up badly.
If you look at yourself, it can be more difficult than it feels like it should be to live perfectly..?
But I have a sense, and sometimes I feel it more strongly than at other times, that there is something that is underlying, often forgotten, but then when noticed seemingly so obvious. That the world is actually really good. Zoom right into its physical structure, to a molecular level or smaller if you can, it's flippin INCREDIBLE! And then zoom right out, galaxies upon galaxies upon galaxies, star clusters and nebulae, an ever expanding mysterious glory of colours and lights. The view is so awesome its difficult to take it in at all.
And as you read this it's there.. right now at this moment, a massive nuclear explosion of fire storms 700times the size of the earth, the sun, it's there existing now!
You can see it on a crisp clear morning lookin over hills. You can taste it in a cup of tea after being out in the cold. You can feel it in the bass going through you as you dance in the smoke.
It's life. Really full and overwhelmingly cynicism-defyingly pure, our senses struggle and try to ignore it. And the source of this life that flows and spirals through it all.. there is a part of us that wants to dare to be touched by it? Though even to acknowledge its existence for some reason scares us.. It doesnt scream at us like a newspaper headline. But it's there, always.
I am a part of the world that is messed up. I am also a part of the world that has galaxies and intricate molecular structures and some strangely undefinable aliveness flowing right through. It flows through each of us.
I cannot not have hope. It just doesnt work on the days I forget to fit my blinkers properly.
The world is messed up but I think the power for redeeming things is dangerously underestimated.
I've heard resurrection is quite strong.
The world is bigger than I think, it is genuinely messed up, it is deceit not to recognise that, but it's bigger than I think.
And I havnt even managed to suss out the present tense yet..