
please imagine some really well worded disclaimer that explains anything i've written in a really acceptable way,

Friday, January 30, 2004

"toads don't drink, they absorb water through their skin and sort of chew it with their eyeballs."

If anyone wants a load of free stuff (somereallygood) come to 111(2)Lothian Rd tomorrow, we're clearing the place out. January is coming to an end..

I am taking 2 teams to the Open All Hours (a load of friday night youth clubs) Annual Handball championships tonight. We have some guys who play for Scotland so if they turn up we should win.

"Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fullfil it, or betray it."
-Frantz Fanon 1925-61

Thursday, January 29, 2004

"On the way home our bus was stopped by fireworks in the middle of the road"

just got 80geography students through a computer practical,
all in a days work.. blaggin it as a tekky..

i need to drink tea now.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

" "five messages that a teenage boy needs to learn to become a wise man": 1. Life is hard 2. You are going to die 3. You are not that important 4. You are not in control 5. Your life is not about you "

-Richard Rohr

any thoughts?

I found a blender, makes better soup faster.

maybe be a bit too alive, love people a bit too much.. just dont fade out, thats all.

" what is going on? really going on??"

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

why is there blood all over my pavement?

London is amazing. I love London. London rocks. Brilliant: London. London is a really good place.

me mate Dave just sent me a site so good and relevent to trying to be some kind of monk in urban life that am adding it to my prestigious 'links' section: urban freeflow
any people in Scotland wanna start a freeflow crew?

there was a dragon dancing outside my front door t'other day, i took aerial photos.


Thursday, January 22, 2004

a friend blagged us jobs at big sold out event we wanted in to.

i officially landed JOB4: taking tutorials and demonstratin practicals for geog 1st year students.

got iona trip all sorted.

gonna get a login name to edinburgh uni computer labs (where90%of this blog is written). Thanku fingal for all this time, couple more days now, then am self sufficient.

admin is underated, THIS IS A GOOD DAY!


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

"experienced my first biggish earthquake the other day!"

well i went canoeing and drank beer.
and nearly got a really good flat but didnt. plan f slunk into the shadows.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

and if you go fast enough some of the colours change to different shades.

Monday, January 19, 2004

applied for a job share on a 6 hour a week cleaning job. hmm. not sure they took us seriously.
walked up arthurs seat this morning early. Nath is in town.
played in a football tournament yesterday representing neuroscience. got knocked out but beat the best team.
still no house, and i turned one down this morn.

"You can't bring peace by talking only to your friends."
-N Mandela

Friday, January 16, 2004

begged sanctuary at the local convent. already full. scratch 'plan e'.
looking at a flat tmrw, think i might end up in the colourful edinburgh spanish scene. went there once before, was bit controversial.
karaoke and counting chocolate bars, got another youthwork shift.
last night there WAS country music in the bongo. and i enjoyed it. hmm, thinkin (hopin) it was just the novelty.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I can still do hand rolls, kayaks i mean, have been away from the water too long.
i like muslims.
they dont need any wardens for edinburgh uni halls till september, scratch 'place to live plan d'.
gonna go and pause.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

ok so it may be that blogging was not exclusively a 2003phenomenon.. -noone else quit!

I have been giving 2004 a wee while to work out what it's going to be; it's still indecisive. I like to think that me and time have a good working relationship but sometimes it takes the pi55.

so here we go.. we just stumbled across a whole new year somewhere in the middle of a futuristic decade.

"r e a l i t y: a)the state or quality of being real;
b)that which is not pretense; c)the world as it really
is rather than as you might want it to be"
-resa's dictionary

"today i went walking around town looking for God.
met a guy called Jake who sat down beside me on the
pavement and offered me a cigarette."
-extract from secret writings

fight throwing rocks, fight throwing dung, fight throwing people in gorse, perform unique dance for greeting hikers, leaps climbs falls and rolls: JUMP DARTMOOR (written filmed and demonstrated by 5boys from Devon and Bolivia)

Hogmanay in the bongo, mental, went to bed at 7.30, think we were the warmest place in the city, too bad the fireworks outside got cancelled due to extreme winds. I'm so proud we are the home of "The Worlds Biggest Party!"

please can i have a new place to live thats really good and kinda long term but flexible?

SWAM in the sea on sunday, like when your heart and lungs forget what their jobs are for a dangerous few seconds, like monks of few generations ago deciding they want to pray SO MUCH (what did they know??), like a reminder of just how alive we are, like a baptism new-life-yes-please, like semi involuntary shouting flushing soul mind spirit clean again,

What if I tried to plagiarise my friends' good points, a friend each week? (on loop+cumulative)

I want to be like J "He kindof bleeds colour into his surroundings" -D

Thursday, January 08, 2004

"Knock, knock!" suddenly came from within the soul.
"Who's there?" asked the Seeker, surprised and frightened.
"It's God," came the Voice from within.
"Prove it!" said the Seeker.
And the silence returned.

Author unknown.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

"WE.. are the ones we've been waiting for."
-The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona