they're all people too.
"it seems like most of the people around who are really trying to face the state of the world seem to slide into unhelpful extremism of concluding that it is really the fault of a group such as: multinationals, muslims, republicans, fox hunters, zionists, terrorists, young people, posh people, the police, asylum seekers, the government, etc etc"
"Remember that everyone you will ever meet, is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something."
-WBs wall
-Jesus Freaks Deutschland
"let the person who has not contributed to the mess in the world: throw the first punch, drop the first bomb, write them off as hopeless."
-paraphrased from Bible
"I have chosen to believe that if you look deep enough everyone has a good motive for any action, however screwed up that may have become and however horrific the action that may have resulted."
"Am I a part of the cure? or am I part of the disease?"
"As soon as we find ourselves treating anyone with total contempt, anyone, we need to take a good look at ourselves."
" It seems as though a load of people acting from screwed up but positive motives, with very different ways of understanding the world, are just being played off against each other to cause maximum destruction and pain over a massive area. That would make me really really angry."
"It's not their message I object to, it's the spirit in which they are acting. Whatever you say if it's motivated by hate will not be constructive."
(see also post November25 2003 from archive)
God we need so much more help.