
please imagine some really well worded disclaimer that explains anything i've written in a really acceptable way,

Saturday, December 25, 2004

and there were these kids who were throwing drawing pins in the air and catching them in their mouths. One boy swallowed one, he wasn't sure how many he might have swallowed. After the x-ray the doctor said he should be fine.

i sat vehemently awake insubordinate, watching the blue watery flames of the marsupial strewn lagoon.

"today i learnt that if you flick a rubber band at the middle of your computer monitor it looks more weird than it should"

"today I learnt that the words 'hashish' and 'assassin' share a common source, the name of a very interesting man in the 12th century"

Have been thinking more about the idea of GNH (Gross National Happiness) put forward by the Kingdom of Bhutan as a way of comparing countries in contrast to GNP (Gross National Product) as conventionally used. An old lecturer of mine used to argue that the level of equality within a country would directly correlate with it's level of happiness. I think the people who say happiness only ever arrives indirectly are onto something. I think happiness is not the best aim in life.. although it is an expression of experienced GOODNESS. But it will always be partial, sporadic and mixed unless a place is found (or finds us) where PURE GOODNESS fully permeates us and our surroundings. I have been thinking about this possibility a lot. In those circumstances happiness might be something that was noted as the early stages of an attempt by the emotions to describe the story.

Does this PURE GOODNESS exist anywhere in the universe? and what are the implications of this?

'cos am infused with contaminants + need proper flushed.'


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