
please imagine some really well worded disclaimer that explains anything i've written in a really acceptable way,

Monday, April 18, 2005

so i rarely write about anything important that happens to me, but i still use this place as a diary to read back about what happened..

"Ivor Cutler is in some ways like God.. if he didn't exist, no-one would ever think to invent him."
-Jem Rolls

"..theatre that creates another world that I don't fully understand, but I love.."

today is a day without a pope.

what if all the 'other worlds' that are around, are really about the world that is.. what if the farthest flung imagination space probes, like those ones we sent off in the 60s and 70s and have since lost contact with and abandoned, like the farthest reaches of science fiction and fantasy genres, like the most exprimental and unbounded arts, and the stories told by fires for millenia: What if all of these, are still well within a small area of the universe that there is. Would you feel safer or more afraid?

People say the universe is still expanding.

"Love the person in front of you."


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