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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy St. Andrews Day!

I've been thinking about the space programs of different countries over the years, and especially about America's current program.

"We do not know where this journey will end," said Bush, "yet we know this: Human beings are headed into the cosmos." -gwb quoted on nasa website

So because we have explored space as much as we have, we have seen a whole extra stack of mind blowing WONDER, and we have realised more of how much more GLORY is in the universe that we havn't seen. Space, is a playground for the imagination, for scientists, filmscript writers, psychedelic voyagers, sci-fi geeks and trekkies, mystics, and children.
And perhaps space exploration has brought some excitement and sense of achievement into the tough/mundane lives of millions of people.

It is perhaps, one of the great 'achievements' of our generation, that we have sent people into space, and to the moon, if other civilisations are remembered for, pyramids, or a great wall, or hanging gardens, then maybe this is one of things we could be remembered for generations after our civilisation has crumbled away.

But at what cost? each of these achivements has required great sacrifice from a population, or a slave population.

Is it worth it though? To achieve something really lasting? (??)

I have been thinking about how if we keep the humanistic worldview that we are brainwashed with as we grow up, then space exploration really is perhaps the only hope for the future of humankind, and therefore worth every penny of the hundereds of billions of dollars that have been spent and are being spent on it.

I am really concerned that people seriously believe that the long term survival of the human race depends on their choosing to spend resources on space exploration, rather than on feeding those currently starving, or dying of preventable diseases. And I am concerned because some of these people seem to be in power or close to power.

I know everyone these days claims to understand that technology is not the answer to all our problems, and that science does not and cannot have all the answers.. but we need to put this into practice somehow, because these humanistic beliefs are still contributing to great suffering and death.

Because people need more than humanism,
Our most basic problems cannot be solved by human invention,
Hatred, bitterness, jealously, greed. We need more help with these ones.

What shall we teach our children?


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