
please imagine some really well worded disclaimer that explains anything i've written in a really acceptable way,

Friday, April 21, 2006

I climbed over the fence and walked a bit further into the tropical world, the luxuriant vegetation bursting through the air and pouring deep and lush over the pillars and the ground all around me, laden with the colour fabric of 10,000 living sculptures. The atmosphere tangible, drunken, oozing life. Tiny aircraft suspended in its volume. This kind of beauty has truth in it. Who could this mud make?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Massive helicopter buzzing me on the dodgy cliff mountain side, hit by the ice of boiling breakers trying to mash the beach. A glowing red rockface, molten against the dark grey roofs, sky, walls and roads. A German guy I met in a cafe propped open window on a 2 year film tour of the trance parties of South America. Loads of tufts of grass put in the trees by the river. Swans overhead flying SW. And drifting for hours suspended in the smoke in the heavy heavy electro with the grey people. Throwing rocks at a Spanish football stuck in a tree.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I think lots of us are prone to spending massive proportions of our time living either in the past, with our memories, regrets, and unsolved questions; or in the future, with our plans, worries, hopes, and rehearsals. While we do of course exist in the present tense all the time, we rarely become 'fully present', our headspace is full of things that are not about right now. These things are all important, they are about how we got here, and where we are going from here.. they give a lot of context and meaning to here and now. But if we are never really aware of being 'HERE, AT THIS MOMENT', then we will miss out on being aware, in our only opportunity to directly connect with reality. (we will live only in a world of memory and prediction, this is a world created in our own minds (and missing reality would be a shame cos it is full of the amazingness, (you are totally surrounded by God as you read this))).

Where are you?